Monday, December 26, 2011

Meet My Family!

There are five kitties in our family.  I'd like to introduce you to my fur-siblings.

Here is Bob, age 13.  He is a brown tabby Manx.  We don't really get along too well.  I keep my distance from him!:

This is Pippin; she is 5 years old.  She is a patched tabby.  Isn't she pretty?!  She loves sinks!:

This is a picture of Marmelade (age 3) under the Christmas tree this year.  He is a red tabby.:

Midge (age 3) is Marmelade's litter mate.  We think she is a torbie.  We know she's a scamp! MOL:

Happy Holidays!

We had a wonderful Christmas!  We hope you did too.  Santa Paws was good to us; there were lots of toys and some goodies in our stocking!

Here is a picture of me in my pink Christmas Calvin Collar -- pink is my favorite color by the way!:

A photo of my best pal and adopted brother, Marmelade:

Marmelade playing with my catnip cigar made by Happy River Dances Catnip Company: