Monday, December 26, 2011

Meet My Family!

There are five kitties in our family.  I'd like to introduce you to my fur-siblings.

Here is Bob, age 13.  He is a brown tabby Manx.  We don't really get along too well.  I keep my distance from him!:

This is Pippin; she is 5 years old.  She is a patched tabby.  Isn't she pretty?!  She loves sinks!:

This is a picture of Marmelade (age 3) under the Christmas tree this year.  He is a red tabby.:

Midge (age 3) is Marmelade's litter mate.  We think she is a torbie.  We know she's a scamp! MOL:


  1. meowloz doodz N doodettez !!! wishin ewe N yurz a veree happee merry catmiss N de weather ta uz ta go long with it coz cranberriez it be hotter then hockey stik hill heer late lee

    peace out N rock on; long live trout

  2. Thank you for leaving a message Tabbies! We're still on Catster and we sure do miss you! My brother Bob is an Angel now, he crossed over yesterday. He had lymphoma. Mom and Dad are missing him like crazy.

