Monday, March 17, 2014

My brofur Indiana is almost one year old!


  1. Hey Indianna! You look really good like a Man-Cat should. Love the little nub tail. Dad says his very first cat was a nubby tail tom who walked up and moved into their restaurant the first week or so it opened in 1962 and lived there for until 1969 when his parents sold it. The week they close Peppy just left not to be seen again. There was his mistress Patches which is another story for another day.
    Capcha is a No No

  2. mewoloz dood !! lookin good buddy....N look at how ewe haz grewed...must bee all de trout huh !! hope de crew iz doin well.....heerz a bee lated wish for ewe all

    An Irish blessin ya can act shoe a lee reed & understand coz itz knot in trout ♥

    May the good saints protect you
    And bless you today
    And may troubles ignore you
    Each step of the way
    Happy St Patrick’s Day !!

  3. Thank you both for stopping by! It means a lot to me and my mom.


    Tigger Angel

  4. The big one year old. Looks like you are ready for a fun celebration soon. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
