Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sebastian's 6th Birthday!

My parents and fursiblings celebrated my brother Sebastian's 6th birthday yesterday.  My parents picked the 22nd of April because it is their wedding anniversary and also Earth Day.  So, all around, it's a special day!

Back in October, right before my parents adopted Sebastian, his vet said he could be any age between three and eight years old.  So, my parents chose five as Sebastian's age, and gave him a Spring birthday.  Here are some pictures of his party last night.  All my fursiblings had Fancy Feast in honor of Sebastian's birthday!

Marmelade and Sebastian

Midge and Pippin

Love and purrs,

Tigger Angel


  1. dood....what...noe trout !! ???? we will send ewe sum...be on de look out for it...in de meen time; in troo trout towne fashion...

    happee birthday buddy, N heerz ta .....800 mor !! hope yur day wuz soooper grate N fun filled; hope ya getted toys, treetz, catnip, grazz, trout, cake, flounder, sea bass, mackerull, sghetti, pizza pies, donuts, pork roast, chops, friez, fish stikx, perch, salmon, herring, snapper, a 2013 FURRAREEZ car and we hope ewe had FUN !!!

    love frum all oh uz...


  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog Tabbies! We love you and appreciate your wishes for Sebastian's birthday.

    Tigger and Mom Gina
