Saturday, July 6, 2013

Meet my new brofur Indiana Jones!

Hi Friends,

Indiana is 12 weeks old, a stumpy Manx, and a real charmer!  My pawrents adopted him on June 1st.  I've been watching him from Rainbow Bridge and keeping an eye on him.  He's growing up fast!

Indiana at 9 weeks old

Indiana at 10 1/2 weeks old

Indy playing with his springy toy (12 weeks old)

Indy sleeping (12 weeks old)

All my fursiblings are doing pretty well accepting Indy, except Midge.  She's none too happy about him; she hisses and chases Indy around.  He does his share of bugging her too! MOL  Indy has his own Catster page.  Please visit!  


Tigger Angel


  1. We simply luve this little one!
    Purrs Angel Tigger

  2. wee small dood...veree nice ta meet ewe !!!! N ya noe; if ewe offer a few ham samiches ore sum trout ta midge...her will bee like yur best friend...trooly...welcome N happee gotcha day indy J !!!

  3. pea ess...chek yur catster page...we sneeked over N leeved like ton oh treetz !!! oh, N we loved yur mewvie..we gives it 98 paws up :) !!! hope everee one haza grate week oh end XOXOX lovez frum uz all

    1. Wow!!! That's a ton of treats! Thank you so very much Tabbies :)


